08 Jan 08

January 8: Genesis 16-17, Psalm 8, Matthew 10

     Perhaps this is a bit odd, but the passage of Genesis says a few things, it speaks to me how women never change and men are wimps, well men of today. First, Sari tells Abram to take her mistress and sleep with her, then complains because he did? This story has always intrigued me though in that I’m curious if the descendants of Ishmael are not those that are against Israel now. That the battle for the land of Canaan started all those years ago when a couple who were not patient with God tried to do things their way. I don’t know enough history to know if this is true or not.
     This Psalm obviously reminds me of the Hymn. But to sit down and soak it in; the creator of all the heavens, the stars, planets, all celestial bodies. The Creator that designed water, the inner complexities of higher organisms and even the simplicities of the lower bacterium and viruses. How truly amazing that He would be “mindful of us” in as much to send His only Son to die for us; to put us over all of His creation. How amazing and wonderful is our God!
     The passage of Matthew seems to speak to me about our place and perhaps as a whole between all passages today our dominion that we have control over and how we are to handle it. Matthew especially drives the power we are given, if we’ll just seize it and use it for God’s glory. Proclaiming His name as we go.

     In my head and perhaps my heart I keep hearing, “Subdue it!” I think this has more to do with things going on in my life right now than it does me subduing a land or a flock of animals; but perhaps there are spirits that are aligning against me, and it’s time they are put in their place.

     I have been greatly vexed and disturbed these past 4-5 days. I know when it started, it’s been a trial trying to discern how to handle it all. My prayer is for guidance and courage, guidance to know what to do and courage to follow through.

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