An Introduction
“I, Bob, came from a land that was dangerous yet isolated. There were no neighboring kingdoms to flee too, no nearby islands to escape too; if the wild didn’t kill you, the cities would consume your soul. One night as I slept outside the gates, I had the most vivid dream of a life in a far off land … traveling, meeting new people, selling maps that would be of my own creation. I immediately left behind everything, all that I was, all that I would ever have been had I stayed. My entire identity, it was time for a new life. Obviously, Bob is not my real name. It was a dangerous voyage coming to these new lands. The journey was perilous and rife with loss. A storm at sea swept many overboard … beasts of all sort would thrash against our boat. I know it may seem petty, but I am most saddened at the loss of my mothers recipes, it was the one thing that reminded me of home, the one thing I clung to from my old life. I’m certain though, this new life will be worth it.”
What is Cartograph?
Cartograph is a solo / multiplayer map-making RPG about journaling, exploration, worldbuilding, and resource management. The core rules are easy to learn, and facilitate the creation of a world map through a variety of prompts and tables. By the end of a game, you will have produced a map of an unknown world, complete with a journal that details those places.
You can pick up Cartograph here.
Cartograph – Bob’s journal

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What is Cartograph?
Cartograph is a solo / multiplayer map-making RPG about journaling, exploration, worldbuilding, and resource management. The core rules are easy to learn, and facilitate the creation of a world map through a variety of prompts and tables. By the end of a game, you will have produced a map of an unknown world, complete with a journal that details those places.
You can pick up Cartograph here.