25 March 08

Numbers 31, Psalm 78:1-39, John 20-21

     Israel is on the March, going into battle for the first time with God on their side; not a man missing. Surely in such a fierce battle one would be lost unless some sort of higher power was at work. This was God’s will and the obedient Israelite army marched to victory under our Lord’s banner. This can still happen today; just listen for the Lord’s calling, and take victory in this life
     The passage of Psalm; while I know it’s focused on the children of Israel, one could read it as if he were writing about today’s church. In many ways the church body is the new Israel and we are just as inclined to rebel and complain as the children of Israel in the wilderness. While it is not true in all cases there is a case to be made for the church thinking it’s better than others; and for that they and I are doomed to repeat the sins we do not learn from. Keep on guard we must, because the enemy is moving; both physically and spiritually.
     I am deeply touched by the final passages of John. Peter denied Christ 3 times and 3 times Christ asks Peter if he loves Him. To the point of causing grief in Peter. Thomas, labeled doubting Thomas, who’s faith is sealed when he puts his fingers in Christ’s wounds. Then by this we who have not seen Christ yet believe are labeled even more blessed. I imagine, this is what life will be like in the Millennial Kingdom; walking and talking face to face with our King. Sitting down and having Christ join us for breakfast, oh can you imagine!

Lord hasten the day of Your return!

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