

[dropcap]C[/dropcap]old, frozen in my shell.  I lower the bars of my prison around myself.  Locking in the pain, the hurt, the loss forever.  Keeping out loved ones, those I trust and who trust me.  The light blocked by the walls of my prison cast shadows upon my soul.  When the time comes, this block of ice shall thaw and shatter, revealing what lay inside . . . nothing.  For by that time, I shall be long gone, and as equally forgotten.


Good grief, I hate to admit that I was this emo!  Of course this is before emo was cool . . . hell this is before emo was a word!  I've honestly got no idea when this one was written but I'm certain of the mood.  This was probably post 95 pre 96 . . . I think . . . geez I feel like I owe folks an apology for this one.

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