I wonder

     First I should say that this is simply my thoughts and my impression. I have no formal degrees in this field; just some conclusions I’m coming too with my recent readings and thoughts.
     So with all the old testament gods; not speaking to Jehovah; but Baal and the like, I used to think they were just human imagination. The same goes with the Greek & Roman gods, Mayan, Aztec, the world over . . . always thought that they were imagined up to explain the unexplainable. But the more text I read and the more I learn about the nature of God and as things were made in His image . . . well; here’s what I’m thinking.
     My reading and faith have taught me that the Lord God Jehovah is real. This is a given fact. So is it that far of a stretch that the other gods are \ were real as well? This may be a given for others as well but it’s new for me. What if the others were part of the fallen, the angels that fell to earth with Lucifer . . . they were indeed supernatural beings. Meaning Ba’al was a fallen; from the perspective of man they would seem like gods. Now, the creation is not greater than it’s creator so the pecking order is still true. But it would give greater perspective to all things . . .

Just a thought.

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