Lo, He does call to me

A boat is nice. Calm seas make for a relaxing ride. No motor … just a sail catching the wind. A gentle breeze carries us where ever it blows. Gliding along, enjoying the warmth of the sun on our faces and the gentle back and forth rocking, it is enough to lull us to sleep. All is well in this idyllic setting.

Then troubles come and the wind picks up, the gentle rocking has turned to a tumultuous tossing, the warmth & light of the sun is replaced by dark, oppressive clouds. The boat is no longer a nicety, but a necessity. To get out of the boat in the middle of the storm would be foolish; a certain invitation of hardship and perhaps even a leap into the arms of death. The idyllic setting has quickly turned into a scene of fear

In the distance, a voice calls. In the midst of our storm, we cry out, as no one would be with us in this late hour of our trial. “I am” comes the response. Words that seem to speak over and above the sound of the rolling thunder and crashing waves. If we can just get to that voice, we know we’ll be safe. He calls us to come. He calls us to come and do the impossible. To walk above the waves of our trouble. To ignore the constant chatter of the wind that tells us we’re fools. He calls us to focus on Him; and not the waves, nor the wind, nor the rain, nor the lightning, nor the thunder.

Get out of the boat. Leave behind the false sense of security and walk into the arms of true security. The waves will not stop, the wind will continue to roar, and the rain will continue to sting. Keep your eyes on Him and you will walk above it all. Should you doubt and begin to sink into the depths of your despair, the great I AM will lift you up.

Always … even to the end of the age.

Matthew 14:23-36

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