22 March 08

Numbers 25-26, Psalm 75, John 17

     I have to admit that at times I have had some difficulty in reading Numbers. What in the world do we need to know all these names and what’s with the census. Of course, as it goes, the reason for the census was to prove God’s word true. He said in the wilderness of Sinai that not one of the children of Israel, save Joshua and Caleb, would enter the promised land. Now, towards the end of Numbers another census is taken and it is found that not one of the children of Israel that were among them in the wilderness is left alive. Now God’s word has been fulfilled and the children should be ready to enter the promised land.
     There is comfort that comes when someone says they will pray for you; especially if you know they are true to their word and a prayer warrior. But in John; how beautiful and great is it that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, offers up such a beautiful prayer for His children. He speaks that He asks this not only for those that were given to Him then, but those that would come to believe because of those whom He is sending. That’s us! I believe because of the unquestionable evidence of truth contained in God’s Holy Word that has been handed down throughout the generations. Written eye-witness accounts by those who were there . . . an unchanging testimony of my Lord’s presence here on earth. How beautiful it is that before I, or even my fathers fathers fathers fathers fathers fathers father was even conceived in the womb that my Lord was praying for ME!

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