20 March 08

Numbers 21-22, Psalm 73, John 15

     Once again I can fully appreciate the Psalmist, just as it is a part of where I am right now. Coming out of . . . well for sometime now I’ve been coming out of this idea of being angry with those who prosper while doing evil. It seemed for a long time that the harder I tried to do the right thing, the harder life itself became. At some point I understood that those who ignore God and do not love Him . . . satan does not tempt; for they are already his. The struggle, the purification by fire, the refining . . . that is what makes us different. We respond to God’s calling, we hear His voice and answer.
     Again in the New Testament speaking to how the world reacts to us. I’m sure there are those who would argue that it’s not as strong as hate but I think deep down that is what we’re dealing with. Going back to the word speaking to the inability to serve two masters; “He will love the one, and despise the other”. Now I think that individuals would say they don’t hate the person but just what they believe or stand for. But Christ has said, “I abide in you” so if they hate Christ then they hate the One who abides in us. If they hate the one that abides in us then they hate us.
     There are two masters of this realm . . . the daily question is, who do you serve? Who abides in you?

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