18 March 08

Numbers 17-18, Psalm 71, John 13

     I would imagine that the disciples often found themselves ‘along for the ride’ as it was often a mystery to them as to what Christ was doing. They were persistent though, always running the race, trusting in Christ and learning the lessons He was teaching. Even in today’s passage in John; Christ is washing their feet and talking about going somewhere that no one else can come with him. How perplexing this must have been, yet you see no sign of rebellion or lack of faith among them.
     This, to a degree, is where I’m at I think. In these hours as the time draws closer to knowing the fullness, at least in part, of what I am to do. The only way to truly find answers is to seek, to ask, to knock; to continue with Christ in my walk with Him and His walk with me. Things are much clearer now, as I come to know Him better through the reading of His word and prayer. I often think how great it would have been to be one of the twelve in that point of history . . . but even they did not fully understand the fullness of what was to come. Only in hindsight do we see it and even then some of us don’t see it to the full extent it is meant to be seen. My prayer this morning is for open eyes and for an understanding mind, that I may be able to see the path and tread it’s ways.

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