15 March 08

Numbers 14, Psalm 69:1-18, John 10

     The children of Israel are reminding me of myself when I grumble before the Lord. The good thing is that I learned my lesson long before having to spend 40 years paying for said disobedience.
     This scripture has . . . well this selection of scripture has led many to believe in different things. The passage of John 10:16 is where many believe that Christ is speaking of Native Americans that would eventually evolve into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints . . . I for one disagree as I think this passage he is speaking of the Gentiles of the land. Again as the scriputre continues we see that . . . well I’m reminded that no one killed Christ, instead he laid down his life of his own accord, as a willing sacrifice for many. Also that those who are his flock know his voice . . . and that once we are placed in the Father’s hand no one can snacth us away. These are things that I have believed but did not know the scripture for . . .

Thank you Lord for your revealing word.

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