15 April 08

Joshua 1, Psalm 97, Acts 21

     “Be strong and courages” . . . a theme that it seems we are to understand. Obviously there are many meanings to strong and courages; physical and of course strong of spirit and mind. I reflect on my recent trials and even those that I enter now . . . am I strong? Am I courages? Yes, this is a good litmus in our dealings I think, in that we should not shy away from the challenges that are brought and put before us.
     Some would say that we need a motivational speaker, alcohol, drugs, or other enlightenment to seek and find joy. Read Psalm 97; read it as a believer, as one of the saints . . . walk in the path of light that He has sown in your heart. Trod in rightousness and waiver not into your own thinking; shun darkness. How can you not feel the joy of the Lord? It’s amazing how text, words written in a book thousands of years ago speak to me and bring me to life. The Word is Alive!

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