1st Sabbath

     So . . . I guess when the idea of a Sabbath comes to mind most people would think Sunday, some may think Saturday, but for the most part it's the verse "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy" from Exodus 20:8.  Most interpret this to mean Sunday (or Saturday depending upon the flavor of Christendom you partake of) but there is no strict or direct writing in the entire bible that says Saturday or Sunday is the Sabbath day.  Now from contemporary writings and other text it's understood that bring these two days in mind but God himself never said it was Sunday or Saturday.
     What we are called to do is to observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.  Six days we are to work but the Sabbath is meant for rest unto the Lord (read Exodus 20:8-11 for the whole story).  For some time now I've known that I've not been doing this.  I'm notorious for working all week long and then spending my weekend doing the same just on the home business as opposed to driving to an office.  In truth until recently I spent most waking moments in front of the PC building that website or tracking that invoice, etc.  For about a month now I've been doing something new for my evenings which allows for more time with family and once the girls are in bed I dive into geekFoundry work.  
     Of course it happens that the work that doesn't get done during the week piles up for the weekend and so now I am spending my entire weekend trying to catch up.  This didn't exactly help stress at all and if you added a busy weekend of family stuff on top of it . . . well I could get down right rude.  Last weekend was especially bad which ended with a long conversation with a dear friend of mine that stressed the need for several changes.  One that I knew needed to be done was a Sabbath.

     So today was my first Sabbath and I'm beat.  I didn't do any management work like I do during the week, nor did I do any geekFoundry work.  I did run to the bank and pick up a ladder with my wife and oldest.  I also spent most of the day on that ladder hanging lights or garland as we wrapped up the Christmas decoration of the house.  Even hung some pictures and paintings which really needed to get done since we've lived in our current location for over 7 months and most of the walls are bare still.  Even knocked out a little organizing in the garage.  Now all of this may sound like work, but it was a break from the norm, it was "off pace" as compared to my normal daily routine.  Today I was 100% husband and 100% dad; I'm beat but it was so worth it!

1 thought on “1st Sabbath”

  1. We all absolutely LOVED your presence in the day! I am soooo proud of you for taking that Biblical step and doing what you are called to do as His child, a husband, a father, a worker… Good Job! Love you and can’t wait for the next Sabbath!

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