10 March 08

Numbers 5-6, Psalm 65, John 5

     Even Creation sings out for joy and honor to the Creator. This is that which will die and be cast into the flames; the grass will be burned, the mountains will fall; the rivers run dry . . . but still they praise God in all things. They speak and sing to His glory. How much more so should we, the creation that is given the opportunity for ever-lasting life, cry out in adoration, joy, and blessings for the Lord
     Two powerful things speak out to me in John. First is verses 25 – 29; some of this speaks of Christ calling Lazurus, some of it speaks to His decent into Sheol to bring out the Old Testament Rightous Dead; some speaks to the final judgement when Christ will return and the dead are raised . . . all of it speaks to Christ’s power and victory over death! If I place my faith in Him, and call upon His name . . . what shall I fear? Death? It’s been defeated! The second is verses 30 – 47; talk about a smack down! If this were in an online game you would say that Christ “pwnd” the Priests.

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