17 March 08

Numbers 16, Psalm 70, John 12

     Lazarus . . . poor guy can’t catch a break. He dies, Christ raises him from the dead, and now here are the Pharisees wanting to kill him again as his life is a living testament to Christ. This reminds me of how some of us act today and at times perhaps we too are like Lazarus. The Lord God has blessed us in this way or that and then there are those that wish to consume us for our blessing. Be it out of jealousy or hatred toward God there are those who set about to stumble and destroy those that God has chosen to bless.
     The advantage that I have, and we as children and followers of Christ, is that the one whom we call upon has conquered all things, even death. By this, the worse thing that could happen to us is also the best thing that could happen to us. If I am slain, literally or by character assassination, then the Lord has gone before me and waits for me in my coming. To know that even in the darkest of times . . . even to the end of times . . . Christ my Lord is but a heartbeat away.

Lord bless Your Holy Name!

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