05 March 2008

Leviticus 27, Psalm 60, Luke 24

     I am intrigued by this passage of the Old Testament. It sounds to be as if one is laying the foundation for how the church should treat purchases of land, donations, etc . . . but here is what strikes me most: In all of this . . . from the priest inspecting the sacrifices brought to the land being donated or tithed . . . in none of it are they inspecting the person . . . but the sacrifice. Let me put it this way . . . when we stand before the throne of judgment; it is not us that will be inspected, but our sacrifice and for those of us who have made Jesus the Christ Lord of our lives, He is our sacrifice. Now submitting to Christ’s Lordship doesn’t mean we get free reign to sin as we wish . . . in fact it would be the opposite. Out of submission to His Lordship we should strive to sin-no-more . . . and when we arrive at that throne; Christ will stand in as our advocate before the Father . . . oh what a beautiful day!
     I LOVE Peter’s impulsiveness. The man doesn’t think, he just acts! He jumps out into the water while Christ was walking on it, he slashes off an ear of a guard when they come to arrest Jesus, he states he’ll die for Christ without understanding what is about to take place. And now here, he leaps up and runs to the tomb before the story is even finished. Peter is ready . . . like so many of us who are ready for the Kingdom to come. We grow weary of this world and it’s deeds; weary of the wickedness that surrounds us. Our answer is found in Christ’s appearance to His disciples. That He lives . . . He lives, our God is risen and the hope of the world has come!

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